Adarsh Ramakrishnan serves as the project manager, and is a graduate from the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Adarsh has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Aerospace Engineering and Material Science. He has also led development on web and smartphone based applications for several startups, building experience in team management and client-side interactions. Adarsh has served on teams that have designed biomedical devices, mechatronic solutions, and satellites. He has also conducted research on the electro-mechanical response of polymeric hydrogels for a UVa research group. Within ES Design, his primary responsibilities are technical development, project management, and client-side interactions.
Michael Michon serves as the president of ES Design, and is also a graduate from the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Mike has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Business. Mike has previously worked at EN Engineering indentifying “areas of interest” when building and installing natural gas transmission systems. He also worked under Professor Lothe, of the University of Virginia, as an entrepreneurial liaison. His primary function was to find and research possible applications for the nanotexturing technology and a champion to promote it within that community. Within ES Design, he primarily focuses on legal and accounting considerations, design management, and business strategy. Michael is currently involved with Darden's iLab.